Repath Solutions

The Truth About CRM: Debunking 7 Common Myths

Today, an effective Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is crucial to a company’s growth and success. But don’t take our word for it. Take a look at how important CRM is, by the numbers: CRM market revenues will likely hit $82 billion by 2025 91% of companies with 11 or more employees have a CRM […]

3 Barriers to Your Digital Transformation and How to Overcome Them

3 barriers to digital transformation

Since Covid hit, the importance of a company’s digital transition has become paramount, making a quick and seamless transition absolutely essential. And while many companies find themselves investing heavily in new technologies, they may encounter that the user adoption rate and overall key transformation drivers – such as agility, scalability, and productivity, to name a […]

7 questions to ask before choosing a CRM system for your business

Repath 7 q site banner

The effects of the pandemic continue to heavily affect the way companies produce and operate. From interactions with clients and data centralization to process automation and proper reporting, it has become more vital than ever to move from the era of handy spreadsheets and simple contact management systems to online operating systems. Some questions to […]

Why You Should Trust a Zoho Advanced Partner

Zoho Advanced Partner

After a year of successful projects we are now excited to announce our recognition as Zoho Advanced Partner. Is a pandemic the right time to start a business? We have been turning over this question in our minds since the outbreak of the pandemic. Eventually, for us, the timing couldn’t have been better. Why? During […]

Digital Transformation in the era of COVID-19

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation your Path to Success From businesses transitioning to remote work, to general lockdowns and stay at home orders, no one was fully prepared for what the world is facing almost a year now. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed dramatically not only the way we live but the way businesses operate as well. In […]

How to Unlock Success in Digital Transformation

Digital transformation Repath

Digital transformation is the process of adopting digital technologies to fundamentally change an organisation in a strategic way. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the need for digital transformation in business, as new working methods and approaches are required in order to survive in the new disruptive reality. Digital transformation is not just about technology. It […]

5 Reasons to Automate your Human Resource Processes

HR Automated Processes

In the modern working environments, human resource professionals take an active role not only as advocates in the entire employee journey but also as strategic partners who are working to achieve the company’s vital goals. With significant transformational changes that all modern organizations experience, human resource professionals are now more than ever, responsible for creating […]

What is digital maturity and why is it important for your organization?

digital maturity

The conversation around “digital business”, “digital transformation”, “digital readiness” or “digital maturity” isn’t something new. COVID-19 has accelerated this process and this new digital reality has become a new necessity for organizations in order to thrive. Over the last few months, the way businesses operate and customers interact has changed dramatically due to the COVID-19 […]

How to Ensure Email Deliverability? A Step by Step Guide

Email Deliverability

Your email marketing campaign is ideally designed, your content is flawless and all your loyal recipients are more than happy to receive your messages. But… your email never arrives to their inbox. Why? Email deliverability is one of the greatest problems of every email marketing campaign. How can you achieve Email Deliverability? In this blog […]

Remote sales: Manage your sales territories from anywhere

Remote sales

Thinking outside the box and broadening your perspectives often requires questioning your basic assumptions. It’s common to hear that uniformity always produces positive outcomes. However, too much single-mindedness can actually produce inadequate results when it comes to crafting unique solutions required to close a deal. Every industry, market, and customer is unique. Customizing your sales […]

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