Repath Solutions

3 Barriers to Your Digital Transformation and How to Overcome Them

3 barriers to digital transformation

Since Covid hit, the importance of a company’s digital transition has become paramount, making a quick and seamless transition absolutely essential. And while many companies find themselves investing heavily in new technologies, they may encounter that the user adoption rate and overall key transformation drivers – such as agility, scalability, and productivity, to name a few – are not performing as anticipated. 

Below, we break down the 3 main barriers to digital transformation and how to get past them to ensure your company’s success. 

1. Workflow and the Advent of Automation

In a world where business has gone increasingly remote, workflow has become a crucial – albeit misunderstood – aspect of digital transformation for many. Often confused with the processes themselves, workflow is actually a collection of methods employed to make procedures more efficient. And yet, old workflow processes tend to remain stagnant and rigid, preventing companies from fully adapting to new and ever-changing realities. 

Fortunately, there’s a solution. Since hybrid and remote work are here to stay, companies are increasingly deciding to adjust. This means that their procedures need redesign and re-evaluation, by addressing bottlenecks, repeatable tasks, and dependencies. 

And perhaps the most important factor in overhauling old processes is automation. Far from a method of replacing valuable human capital, automation relieves employees of mundane, low-value tasks, freeing them up to work in higher-value situations, while also eliminating human error at a basic level. In fact, according to, 63% of small- and medium-sized businesses indicate that automation has allowed their company to rapidly adjust following the pandemic as they brought goods and services online or sometimes completely overhauled their business models. And these numbers won’t be going down anytime soon!

2. A Case of Out with the Old and In with the New 

Commonly known as legacy technology, this refers to systems that are outdated but still heavily used. And this obsolete technology actually prevents interaction with newer systems, thereby preventing businesses from accessing more efficient operational processes. When companies are resistant towards implementing changes with new systems, they’re usually concerned with factors including time, cost, and change management. Nonetheless, and as a result of this avoidance of new technology integration, data silos tend to emerge, whereby various departments across a company are unable to freely access the data they need. 

It’s worth mentioning that according to McKinsey Global Institute, data-driven organizations are 23 times more likely to acquire customers, six times more likely to retain customers, and 19 times more likely to be profitable. 

So, what’s the solution? Modern CRM systems will seamlessly integrate with third party software, eliminating data silos and legacy systems in business. Companies will then be able to access their own data in ways that may have previously seemed impossible. 

3. Bridging the Digital Skills Gap

While digital skills are now widely accepted as essential to the modern workforce, many professionals still lack the capabilities to manage a digital transformation. Additionally, businesses often struggle to find talent to fill digital roles, resulting in a digital skills gap. And unfortunately, a lack of digital skills could very well jeopardise a company’s future.

The answer? Proper CRM training, which can ensure that all users not only know how to use the software, but also that they understand how it will benefit their daily workflow and make their jobs easier. A training plan can basically make or break a business when it comes to adopting a CRM system, constituting an essential step in ensuring an upgraded customer experience.

And that’s where we as Repath come in as a Premium Zoho Partner with over 100 completed projects in more than 12 countries. Training teams and boosting CRM adoption rates is one of our core strengths. 

An efficient training plan can make all the difference in the success of the adoption of a new CRM system. Zoho CRM checks practically every box: it’s cost-effective, conducive for productivity and efficiency, and beneficial for maintaining a steadfast relationship with clients. But at the end of the day, if people don’t understand how to utilise this technology, a CRM can seem less than beneficial. Through proper training by certified and top-tier processionals, companies can ensure their employees are well-equipped and ready to take advantage of a CRM’s many capabilities. 

Are you ready to embark on your company’s digital transformation? Reach out to us today.

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August 29, 2024

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